Friday, February 11, 2011


Kari and I were 2 of 10 people at the midnight showing of GNOMEO & JULIET.  I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling/giggling all the way there and back. Elton John was the executive producer, so naturally the music was fantastic, and my love for garden gnomes only grew ten fold. AHHH!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Job hunt, etc

So i am currently still looking for a job. I had an interview with Hard Rock Live on monday, and I have another one tomorrow. Disney called and told me I am still being considered, and they'll hold my application for 6 months. Wish I had known that before I drove all the way out here to work for them. I hope someone will want me.

Friday, February 4, 2011


We went clubbin last night. It was AWESOME. I really needed the break. I ended up with some hot guys hat. Plenty of good lookin fellas there. I had a jolly ol time. 

Today Kari and I went on the first seat on Rockin Roller Coaster. It was the best! It is such a great ride.  I just LOVE the weather and fun things to do. When I actually get out and do them.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

a big move

Graduated college.  Then I took a dang long and expensive road trip to move in with Kari, she lives in Orlandoooo. I don't have a job, and I dont have much to do. Im currently waiting to hear back from like four jobs that said they'd get back to me. It's just great.